The Merauke PSN Project Involves Military Personnel in Threatening and Depriving the Indigenous Papuans of Their Right to Life

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Press Release
The Merauke PSN Project Involves Military Personnel in Threatening and Depriving the Indigenous Papuans of Their Right to Life

Mih Ti A Man, Yah, Tik Ma Kamin Anim Nanggo


The Commander of Indonesian National Military (TNI), General TNI Agus Subiyanto, inaugurated the formation of new army units, namely infantry battalions (Yonif) or Susceptible Area Buffer Yonif in five regions of Papua to support the government’s food security program. The five battalions are Yonif 801/Kesatria Yuddha Kentsuwari in Keerom Regency, Papua; Infantry Battalion 802/Wimane Mambe Jaya in Sarmi Regency, Papua; Infantry Battalion 803/Nduka Adyatma Yuddha in Boven Digoel Regency, South Papua; Yonif 804/Dharma Bhakti Asasta Yudha in Merauke Regency, South Papua; Yonif 805/Kesatria Satya Waninggap in Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua.

“The five battalions in five regions in Papua will work together with the Ministry of Agriculture and local communities to plant the main food commodities, including rice,” Agus Subiyanto explained in a press conference following the inauguration ceremony at the National Monument (Monas) square, Jakarta on Wednesday, 2 October 2024, as covered by media.

The Infantry Battalion formation policy has raised concerns in the Malind, Maklew, Mayo Bodol, Khimaima, and Yei indigenous peoples in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, who are being threatened and affected by the National Strategic Project (PSN) for Food and Energy Development in Merauke Regency, through the projects of new rice fields creation, sugarcane plantations and bioethanol factories, which will use and are currently clearing out more than 2 (two) million hectares of customary land, customary hamlets and forests.

The implementation of PSN Merauke involves the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Investment/National Investment Coordinating Board, local governments and private companies, namely Jhonlin Group, First Resources Group, and KPN Corp. Group.

“The Maklew indigenous people in the Ilwayab, Tubang and Okaba Districts, have stated openly before the acting Governor of South Papua that they reject the project to create new rice fields and other crops, that clears out customary land, hamlets and forests, which constitute the source of life of the indigenous people, without deliberations and free consent of the indigenous peoples and land owners. However, the company, accompanied by armed military personnel, arbitrarily cleared out and took over customary land,” said Simon Balagaize, Coordinator of the Malind Anim Kondo – Digoel Indigenous People Forum.

The government and operators of the Merauke PSN project have violated the basic rights of indigenous peoples, the right to life, the right to development, the right to food and nutrition, as well as the right to a proper and healthy environment.

“This is not a humanitarian project for the welfare and prosperity of the people at large, but rather, it is part of a business extension and expansion project to gain capital profits for the interests of the rulers and the capital owner entrepreneurs, which is carried out in inhumane manners and is damaging the environment,” Simon Balagaize said.


In the PSN Merauke Project field, armed military personnel are involved in facilitating, assisting and safeguarding company activities, leading to concerns and creating a sense of insecurity for the indigenous people.

“The military’s involvement in the PSN Merauke food estate project is potentially threatening and depriving the Indigenous Papuans of their right to life, it will lead to widespread occurrence of human rights violations, violence and abuse, which constitute violations of the constitution and the laws and regulations, as well as international policies related to the principles and objectives of sustainable development,” said J. Teddy Wakum, Spokesperson for #Solidaritas Merauke.

Involvement of the military in the Merauke PSN project is inappropriate and is not in accordance with Law Number 34 of 2004 regarding Indonesian National Military, it is contrary to the goals and principles of a professional military, which adheres to the principles of democracy, civil supremacy and human rights. Therefore, #Solidaritas Merauke and the Malind Kondo – Digoel Indigenous People Forum appeal to the TNI Commander to cancel the formation of new battalions in the Land of Papua, evaluate and discontinue the security approach and the military’s involvement in commercial projects in the name of PSN Merauke.

#Solidaritas Merauke and the Malind Kondo Digoel Indigenous People Forum request the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the president-elect Prabowo Subianto to discontinue the PSN Merauke project.


Merauke, 3 October 2024



Contact Persons:

Simon Balagaize: 0812 4011 4828
Teddy Wakum: 0822 4245 0431




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